
Small changes can make a big difference.

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program was established in 1977 to assist low income persons in reducing their utility bills by providing for various energy conservation measures. Assistance is provided free of charge and no liens or financial obligations are placed on individuals receiving assistance.

Funding is provided through the State of Nevada Housing Division, primarily from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Additional funds have been allocated for the Weatherization Program through the Universal Energy Charge (UEC) to fund low income energy assistance and conservation (FEAC) in the State of Nevada.

Funds are also provided by:

  • Mt. Wheeler Power Company
  • Bonneville Power Administration
  • Low Income Housing Trust Funds
  • Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program
  • Lincoln County Power District No. 1

Rural Nevada Development Corporation (RNDC) is currently providing weatherization services in the following counties:

  • Elko
  • Esmeralda
  • Eureka
  • Humboldt
  • Lander
  • Lincoln
  • Mineral
  • Nye
  • Pershing
  • White Pine

Allowable measures are dependent on funding, program guidelines, and regional climate:

  • Ceiling, floor, and duct insulation
  • Duct leakage sealing (return and supply systems)
  • Shell infiltration sealing (replace broken windows, replace exterior doors, weather stripping, caulking, evaporative cooler covers, ect…)
  • Insulation of water heater and water heater pipes
  • Installation of low-flow showerheads (2.5 gpm or less)
  • Solar screens (Southern Nevada only)
  • Minor home repairs
  • Heating and cooling system repairs/replacements
  • Compact fluorescent lights
  • Refrigerators
  • Health and safety measures (carbon monoxide testing of combustion appliances, assurance of indoor air quality standards, and installation of carbon monoxide detectors)

An application must be completed by anyone interested in receiving Weatherization services. A determination of eligibility will be made within 30 days of the date of application. Interested parties can complete, print, and sign an online application and then mail it to our office with the required supporting documents, or call RNDC at 866-404-5204 to request an application packet.

Households whose annual gross income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty income guidelines (established by the Office of Management and Budget) are eligible for assistance. Individuals participating in the state’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) are eligible for services as well.

Assistance is provided to individuals residing in single and multi-family dwellings as well as mobile homes, and is available to either owner or renter occupied households. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis with priority given to households which are high energy users (EAP), occupied by individuals who are elderly (60 years of age or more), disabled, or families with children age six (6) and under.

Please contact Doreen Venturino, Housing Programs Manager or Meg Rhoades, Housing Programs Clerk with any questions regarding our Weatherization program.

Weatherization Application Packet (pdf)


Before & After Photos

See Us at Work

Weatherization and Homeowner Rehabilitation before and after photos. 

Homeowner Rehabilitation and Weatherization – Encapsulate lead based paint hazardous exterior. Install energy efficient windows.

Homeowner Rehabilitation – Partnered with USDA Rural Development Repaired deteriorated exterior and skirting. Installed ADA Accessible wheelchair ramp.

Repaired deteriorated patio, replaced decking, installed steps.

Homeowner Rehabilitation – Install ADA accessible ramp.

Weatherization – Replace deteriorated door.

We are hard at work. Weatherization – Blower Door testing and installing energy efficient windows.